Lead Work & Off Lead Dogs
An hour long practical session for owners and dogs to know how to be able to walk passed other dogs when your's is pulling to get to them or if the other dog doesn't want to be met and also how to deal with off lead dogs coming up to you in different situations.
Training is held in a secure location.
Price is per dog and spaces are limited to 6 due to parking availability.
Please bring water and high value treats for your dog.
Spaces taken 0/6
*Session will be Saturday mornings at 11:15am, start date TBC but it can still be purchased and notification will be given when session is full.
Lead Work & Off Lead Dogs
An hour long practical session for owners and dogs to know how to be able to walk passed other dogs when your's is pulling to get to them or if the other dog doesn't want to be met and also how to deal with off lead dogs coming up to you in different situations.
Training is held in a secure location.
Price is per dog and spaces are limited to 6 due to parking availability.
Please bring water and high value treats for your dog.
Spaces taken 0/6
*Session will be Saturday mornings at 11:15am, start date TBC but it can still be purchased and notification will be given when session is full.
Canine body language
This is an hour long practical session on dog body language, what to look for, what to do and when to do it.
Each dog and owner will get the chance to train with everyone during the session to make sure they can understand more about how certain breeds and their personality may affect their ability to read signals given to them by other dogs.
Training is in a secure location.
The price is per dog and spaces are limited to 6 due to parking availability.
Please bring water and high value treats for your dog (and yourself if you want!)
Spaces taken 0/6
*Session will be Saturday mornings at 10am, start date TBC but it can still be purchased and notification will be given when session is full.
2K9 Dog Etiquette Course
Topics covered are: body language, what to do if an off-lead dog approaches when yours is on lead, disengaging and lead work.
Training is in a secure location.
Spaces taken 5/6.
(Please ignore the icons below)
Recall & Disengaging
Do you find it hard to get your dog's attention away from a stimulus even though you've been calling their name for ages or squeaking their toy and it still doesn't work?
In this 90 min session you will learn how and when to get your dog's attention, the benefits of disengaging and linking it all into recall.
Training is in a secure location and limited to 6 spaces due to parking availability.
Please bring water and high value treats for your dog.
Spaces taken 0/6
*Session will be Saturday mornings at 11:30am, start date TBC but it can still be purchased and notification will be given when session is full.